Monday, September 29, 2014

The Lone Ranger Is Dead!

The Lone Ranger IS dead and yet many of you, as entrepreneurs, are still acting like one. This has got to stop - if, in fact, you are serious about growing your business, making money and making a difference in the world. What DOES need to happen, in order for you to succeed, is to get engaged with a group of similar-minded, high-achieving entrepreneurs - a master mind group.

I DO know what holds many of you back - FEAR and IGNORANCE.

I just read post by Seth Godin:

In search of a timid trapeze artist

"Good luck with that, there aren't any.

If you hesitate when leaping from rope to another, you're not going to last very long.

And this is at the heart of what makes innovation work in organizations, why industries die, and how painful it is to try to maintain the status quo while also participating in a revolution.

Gather up as much speed as you can, find a path and let go. You can't get to the next rope if you're still holding on to this one."

There is always fear around the unknown. That excuse is not 'special' to you. I know that when it comes to joining a high-level group of entrepreneurs for the purpose of growing your business, many fears come up - some of which include:
  • - Am I good enough?
  • - Can I do as well?
  • - Am I smart enough?
  • - Are my revenues significant enough?
  • - Have I been in business long enough?
  • - Can I really afford to do this?
  • - What if I fail?
  • - What if I succeed beyond my wildest dreams? (yes, that's a common fear!)

And so much more! What if I tell you that you are not alone? I had some of those very same fears when I joined my first high-level group 3 years ago.

Here's the thing, though - what if you keep doing what you're doing? How's that working for you right now? I know, for certain, had I not made that decision three years ago (with huge butterflies in my stomach), I would not be running a business well over 6 figures right now!

Why am I so adamant about this? Because I know what you don't know.
  • - I know that if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting.
  • - I know that together, we're all stronger.
  • - I know that a great business coach can teach you essential business and selling skills to help you grow your business faster than you can do it on your own.
  • - I know that having the support and love of fellow master-minders is priceless!
  • - I know that more heads are better than one.
  • - I know that I am not making the costly mistakes (re-inventing the wheel) that I would if left to my own devices.
  • - I know that I am reaping the benefit of learning from a coach who is also working with her own coaches.
  • - I know that I can practice new techniques in a safe environment.
  • - I know that I am not alone - these people understand me. (my family doesn't have a clue what I do, LOL)
  • - I know that I am learning from the other 12 'experts' in my master mind group - phenomenal resources right at my fingertips!
And there are so many more reasons that I commit to being part of a high level master mind group. We are known as the Hell Raisers 1 - and I love that!

Are you serious about growing your business? Do you want to make some real money this year?

"Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move promptly, your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate indecision!" - Napolean Hill

This also applies to your business! Is this the year you pack it in? Is this the year you declare bankruptcy? Is this the year you get a J.O.B and give up on your dream?

All I have to say about that is shame on you, then! When the answers, the support, the learning - is all at your fingertips. But you let F.E.A.R. get in your way.

All you need to do, this year, - right now - is to make a decision. Find yourself the right coach, get involved in a master mind group, learn what you need to know to succeed - and the world will be a better place.

To the 'Lone Ranger' - let's all say - R.I.P.!!!!


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Too Busy! Where Does Your Time Go?

Have you ever completed a grueling week in your business, felt exhausted at the end of the week but had no financial gain to show for all your efforts?

Do you often find yourself doing tasks in your business that you could have, and should have delegated properly to a team member, or outsourced to another party?

Do you work more hours in your business than anyone else?

If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions then you need to stop and assess yourself and your business.

You could be costing your business a fortune.

I recently asked a client to do a time study because he seemed to always be very busy but had very little to show for his efforts. His debtors were running at a quarter of his turnover, he was falling behind in his payments to suppliers. He was not getting to all customer enquiries and as a result was losing business to inferior competitors. While he worked in a price sensitive business, being on time and being in a position to do the work would give you an additional 5% margin.

When we analysed his time - the results were staggering:

  •     He worked 90 hours over 10 consecutive days.
  •     He spend 40 hours managing deliveries, loading and unloading, organising the warehouse, etc.
  •     He spent 10 hours on deliveries, driving the van and also on collection from suppliers.
  •     He spent about 4 hours on sales and dealing with customers
  •     He spent 10 hours sorting out issues that his team handed to him, from pricing to customer complaints.
  •     He spent 2 hours on the financial aspects of his business
  •     He spent 1 hour collecting money
  •     The rest of the time was spent on trivial tasks/
  •     He did not meet his team at all

This man's business was in trouble. It was in trouble because he had not delegated and he had not introduced any accountability to the team. He did not like confrontation and he felt that it would always be quicker if he did it himself.

I worked with this client on hiring one team member to do all the warehouse, stock and deliveries. We introduced proper roles for all the team and carried out some training and reporting. We focused more effort on credit control collecting about 70k additional in 6 weeks. We also went to work on selling, converting more enquiries in less time.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

19 Reasons Fall Is The Finest Season

With Tuesday's equinox, we've entered into autumn. The season is marked by several telltale signs: The air cools, the light dims, sweaters appear, and so do ghosts.These are but a few of the arguments for why fall is the best season. If we missed yours, tell us in the comments.

1. Because forests turn technicolor.

autumn forest

2. Because crunching leaves is the most fun you'll have all year. 

leaves autumn family

3. Because the sun is bearable, yet bright.

autumn sun

4. Because football.


5. Because whether you're talking cardigan, hoodie, or crew neck, you look good in sweaters. 

sweater girl fall

6. Because Halloween is easily the most awesome of holidays. But beware of ghosts.


7. Because Thanksgiving is great, even if it gets a little crazy sometimes.


8. Because we all need to spend more time with quilts.


9. Because people go crazy for pumpkin spice lattes. 

pumpkin spice latte

10. Because pumpkins are really where it's at, especially giant ones.  

giant pumpkin

11. Because pumpkins turn into pie.


12. Because we can't forget the rest of the squash family, who are equally awesome.


13. Because apple picking rules as much as this kid's shades.

apple picking

14. Because apples turn into cider.

apple cider

15. Because cider turns into donuts.

cider donut kid

16. Because fall makes cooking easy, since crockpot = win.


17. Because fall style is awesome. Need proof? Consider the universe within corduroy. 


18. Because scarves make your life better.

scarf guitar fall

19. Because, when we really get down to it, it's all about the leaves.

leaf autumn


Friday, September 19, 2014

Time - Whether It Flies or Crawls, Goes By

Time, given equally to each and every one of us, 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 4 weeks in a month and 52 weeks in year. Why is it then that only at the end of a life, do you realize how much time was wasted? This is not necessarily only at the end of your life, but often at the end of the lives of people close to your heart.

Is that what it takes for us to decide to live a full life? And what is a full life? These questions sting like hornets in the back of my mind, over and over and over again and each time I fail to come up with an answer. There are so many books out there covering the different legs on which a full life is built, but they all mean nothing if you don't know what your purpose in life is.

Here I am again today, with a loved one who's passed on, and I cannot help but think, it wasn't her time. Not in the sense of age, because in that case it surely is correct, but in the sense that she never got to live. She was such a lively person, but perhaps she was born in the wrong time or era. She deserved so much more than what she got. And I lay frustrated in bed at night thinking that there was nothing I could do to change that for her, only to realize that nobody can change the path you are on, but yourself.

Time is such a fragile concept, and being me, I love to listen to music. There is a song by Anna Nalick called "Breath", I quote: "Life is an hourglass, glued to the table". Every time I listen to this song, it is a clear reminder that nothing done, can be undone, if you fail to grab time by the horns and make the best of it it is done, you need to remember that the opportunities past, cannot be recalled and time gone by cannot be rewinded. What's past is past. Much wiser people than I have stated: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that's why it's called the present." All of which brings me back to wondering what time is. When you look at the meaning of the word time as per the Oxford Dictionary, it becomes clear: "The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole."

There are so many beautiful quotes on time, and my all-time favorite quote will probably always be the one by Stephanie Meyer in New Moon: "Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me."

In conclusion, time only passes slowly when you need it to pass fast, and passes fast when you need it to pass slowly. So don't life a live full of wishes, as wishes is what causes you to miss time. To miss those beautiful moments in time that could have resulted in a full life.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Barack Obama welcomes report saying fighting climate change can be low cost

Barack Obama has welcomed a report finding that reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved at a low cost and with added benefits in the form of a better quality of life for people around the world.

In remarks on Twitter, Obama said: "This study concludes that no one has to choose between fighting climate change and growing the economy." The reaction is significant in advance of key talks next week convened by the United Nations, when world leaders will meet in New York to discuss climate change for the first time since 2009.

Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, who will convene next week's meeting, said: "We can no longer afford to burn our way to prosperity. We must manage climate risk for sustained – and sustainable – economic progress. We need a structural transformation in the global economy. This report argues for a new model where economic growth and climate action are mutually reinforcing – and it shows how we can build it. There is no time to lose."

The report, on the New Climate Economy, was co-authored by leading economist Lord Stern and involved a roll-call of international institutions including the World Bank, the International Energy Agency and the OECD group of rich countries. It concluded that tackling climate change would add only a small amount – about $240bn – to the trillions of dollars of investment that will take place around the world in the next decade and a half, in order to accommodate a growing population.

But the authors warned that if the growth takes place along current, high-carbon lines then the world will be locked in to high carbon emissions for decades to come. For only a small amount of extra investment, businesses and governments can achieve economic growth alongside lower carbon dioxide emissions, which could halt climate change and lead to a better quality of life for citizens, through cleaner air and water and a better environment.

The report is the most significant intervention in climate politics by Lord Stern since his 2006 review of the economics of climate change found that the short-term costs of tackling emissions were far outweighed by the benefits.

Ed Miliband, leader of the UK's Labour party, said: "Better Growth, Better Climate, is a hugely important report for those who care both about safeguarding our environment for our children and creating a successful, fairer future for us all.

"This report shows there is no contradiction between tackling climate change and growing our economies. However, it is clear a lack of political leadership is undermining the opportunity to act on climate change and secure the jobs of the future. That is why we need a Labour government that will champion a low carbon economy both in the UK and overseas."

Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green party, said: "Lord Stern is showing the kind of joined-up, evidence-based thinking that's sadly been entirely lacking in British policymaking to date. As he points out, providing warm, comfortable, affordable-to-heat homes, would not only tackle fuel poverty and stress, but also cut excess winter fuel deaths and demands on the NHS, as well as carbon emissions."

She highlighted investments in public transport as a key measure.

Sandrine Dixson Declève, director of the Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group, which includes a variety of large UK businesses, said: "The good news is that economic growth and action on climate are not incompatible. On the contrary, there are myriad possibilities for all sectors to get involved in driving low-carbon growth and economic transformation.

"But we must not wait: the longer we leave it, the higher the costs. Governments and business must act together to ensure the decisions we make today are the right ones to deliver a safe and sustainable future for all."


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Beyond Burnout

This is something I truly feel compelled to speak about because it's a reality for so many of us. How do we keep giving care to our loved one when we ourselves are burned out and need a break? What do you do when there's no one to turn to, or turn your responsibilities over to, even for just a few hours?

I've dealt with this experience so many times in the these past several years of being a caregiver. The hard part for me has been that for the most part, people on the outside of the situation tend to say things like -'yes but your mother is more important.' How can that be? Who's 'more important', the lifeguard or the person drowning? I say they're equally important - WE are equally important. And if no one else has told you today - you're doing an amazing job and the sheer fact that you stepped up to the plate let's me know that you're a strong person with deep levels of integrity.

So back to the issue. What do you do when you have to keep going? How do you reboot without a getting away? The first thing is to recognize that you are burned out. Don't beat yourself up or ignore it, just admit it to yourself. It's perfectly natural and it's okay. What we do is tremendously stressful and to continue to perform in compassion we have to be real about that. Here are a few techniques that have helped me...

1. Focus on your breathing

This is a standby technique for me that I use just about everyday. The number one way that stress starts to be experienced in our bodies is through shallow breathing. If you feel like you're coming to the edge - stop and take the deepest breath you can. If you can step away and reconnect with 3-4 deep breaths, this is even better. Repeat a positive phrase to yourself 'I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay.' This truly helps me calm down and get some clarity when I feel overwhelmed.

2. Focus on the Beauty

One of the things I strive to do as a habit now is to focus on things - especially on a visual or audio level- that make me happy. Surround yourself with music that soothes you, go outside and look at the trees, listen to the birds - look at a fashion or travel magazine. Couple this with deep breathing and you will feel much more peaceful and clear.

3. Have a Glass of water

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. It keeps us from overeating and will keep headaches at bay as well. The last thing we need on top of feeling overwhelmed is to not feel good about our weight. Prepare it in a special way. In a nice glass, with our without ice, still or sparkling... and be sure to sit down - don't rush and drink the entire glass.

These tips aren't a trip to Tahiti, but they are tried and true, tested techniques that will work to eliminate the stress and rejuvenate you as you continue to care and give.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Nature"--an Outdoor Walking Play

The legacy of Ralph Waldo Emerson is brought to life through one of his direct descendants and the natural world of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

September 12-October 12, 2014 (full performance schedule below)

$25 general admission/$20 Arboretum members/$15 students/children 12 and under free

Arboretum admission included in ticket price. Guests are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance to expedite their entry into the Arboretum, but tickets may also be purchased on site.

Dancing SceneTigerLion Arts and the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum present Nature, the mythic telling of Emerson and Thoreau's mutual love affair with the natural world. Nature is performed outdoors as a "walking play." A professional ensemble of actors takes the audience on a journey through the natural environment as scenes unfold around them. Bagpipes, ancient flutes, drums and rich choral arrangements are intricately woven into the script with compositions by Dick Hensold (2006 Bush Artist Fellow).

Nature is an extraordinary, family-friendly experience that co-mingles story, spirit, and nature, as a means to reconnect its audience with the natural world. A version of this show was presented at the arboretum in 2010.

This original work is collaboratively created with Twin Cities writer/actor/producer Tyson Forbes, a direct descendent of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Forbes says, "I have always felt honored to be an Emerson descendent. I feel an intimate responsibility to his lineage, and for years I have imagined a play that could bring his spirit and teachings, along with that of his friend and fellow author Henry David Thoreau, to a broader audience. When I read their work, I find answers to burning questions on how to live my life more deeply and responsibly in this world. They were both radicals of their time, calling on their peers to think for themselves and be agents of change. I believe their words and ideas are as necessary now as they were then."

The cast of ten actors includes John Catron as Thoreau (named Best Actor 2014 by City Pages and seen locally at the Guthrie Theater, Jungle Theater, Frank Theater and many others); Kimberly Richardson (Ten Thousand Things, Open Eye Figure Theater, Children's Theatre Company); Norah Long (Guthrie Theater, Skylark Opera, Chanhassen Dinner Theater, Nautilus Music-Theater). Tyson Forbes (Guthrie Theater, Ordway, Jungle Theater and multiple TigerLion Arts productions) also appears in the show as Emerson.

Musicians"We are delighted to welcome back TigerLion Arts and present a wonderful new staging of the Nature walking play," said Dr. Ed Schneider, Arboretum director.  "There's something magical about enjoying live theater in the great outdoors." 

The play will take place in the Arboretum's Johanna Frerichs Garden for Wildlife, a rolling, open grassy expanse traversed by paved walkways and landscaped with interesting native trees and demonstration plantings.  It is located on the Arboretum's Three-Mile Drive.

Audiences are encouraged to come early to visit the arboretum grounds. Grab-and-go meals will be available at the café in the Oswald Visitors Center, so guests can picnic on the grounds and enjoy pre-show music before the performance begins.

Or call (612) 301-7600 to order tickets by phone.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Minnesota: School issues to watch this year

Schools on Tuesday opened their doors to what should be a landmark year. We focus on three key issues that make it so in St. Paul, the east metro and beyond:

-- Technology: Students and teachers have returned to classrooms with some of the biggest technology upgrades since calculators replaced the slide rule, the Pioneer Press' Christopher Magan said in a report on developments that will bring more technology to more area students this school year. As districts spend millions for iPads and other devices, more than 40,000 east metro students will have daily access to Internet-connected devices that educators say will allow them to tailor instruction to the needs of each student.

In St. Paul, students will begin using iPads in two phases over the next two years. Those at 37 of roughly 60 schools will receive the devices sometime between October and February, with exact dates still to be determined, according to the district. Students at remaining schools will begin using iPads during the 2015-16 school year. District officials said earlier that schools in the first wave were selected based on factors that included wider achievement gaps and strong interest from teachers and staff in being early adopters.

On one side of the school-technology debate are those who argue there is little evidence that the devices will boost achievement. On the other are those making the case that devices are needed to help students prepare for an increasingly digital world.

For our part, we've raised questions about "the next shiny object" as the answer to what schools need to improve performance.

For theirs, voters in 2012 supported the district's $9-million-per-year technology initiative -- to "develop and implement a new plan to improve student learning and engagement through technology-supported instruction in all schools." It was largely an act of faith in district leaders. One way or another, it must be realized.

-- All-day kindergarten: Among efforts to improve student performance with a solid start, all-day kindergarten is "absolutely a game-changer," Minnesota Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius told us last month.

Despite the tendency of some politicians and boosters to refer to it as "free," it's not. Its availability statewide, at no additional cost to parents, is subsidized by taxpayers. Lawmakers allocated another $134 million to remedy "a patchwork quilt of opportunity," said Sen. Charles Wiger, a Maplewood Democrat and chair of the Senate education finance subcommittee, in a Pioneer Press report. "It shouldn't be based on ZIP code or ability to pay. It was a matter of fairness and education opportunity."

In St. Paul, kindergarten and pre-K students start school on Monday.

-- Start times: In work that continues this school year, the St. Paul district is rethinking schedules to give secondary students later start times. Changes -- if they are made -- would not be effective until next fall.

Both science and tradeoffs are behind the move.

The science suggests that later start times and more sleep for teens bring benefits to both health and academic performance. In some of the latest research, from the University of Minnesota, schools saw a boost in attendance and improved grades and test scores. Apparently, it's a matter of biology, with teenagers ready for sleep later in the evening. When school starts early, many don't get enough rest and are less alert.

The tradeoffs include adjustments for younger students and their families. The district now has three start times: 7:30 a.m. for most high schools and middle schools and 8:30 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. for elementary schools. A change would mean buses would pick up some younger students as early as 6:30 a.m., but research also suggests young ones may be "wired" to wake up early and have more energy in the morning.

Costs add to the complexity. A key consideration was keeping a shift cost-neutral, a district official said in a Pioneer Press report.

Work by a steering committee leading the process is described by those involved as "thoughtful" -- as it should be. Information is at

When it comes to all three issues, policy-makers -- whether monitoring or making decisions -- will need to be mindful of the delicate balance between doing "what's best for kids" and what's prudent for taxpayers.


Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day 2014 events

(Sept. 1, 2014) – Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday in September every year.

According to Tech Times, the holiday was born out of the U.S. labor movement in the 19th century when workers sought better working conditions, fairer wages and union representation.

The first Labor Day holiday was signed into law in Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Oregon in 1887.

The ordinance passed in many of the other states through the years, and on June 28, 1894, Congress declared the first Monday in September as Labor Day.

Throughout the years, Labor Day has evolved to mean a variety of different things.

For many, it’s a day off work, the unofficial end of summer, a big sale weekend for retailers, and the end of white clothing.

No matter what Labor Day means to you, check out the list below to take advantage of holiday activities around the area!
  •     2nd Annual WARMfest at Broad Ripple Park
  •     94th Annual St. Peter’s Labor Day Festival in Franklin County
  •     Labor Day Weekend Hog Roast Celebration at Mallow Run Winery
  •     60th Annual Chevrolet Performance NHRA US Nationals
  •     White River Festival
Important Note: There will be no trash pickup and no mail delivery today. Additionally, all city and state buildings as well as all Indianapolis Public Library locations will be closed in observance of this holiday.
