Monday, February 24, 2014

General Membership Meeting: Own The Room

Name: General Membership Meeting: Own The Room
Date: February 26, 2014
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Event Description:

Speaker: Tasha Rolfs

What does is it mean to "own the room"?
Whether it is in front of five, fifty or five hundred people, public speaking is something that gives many people a great deal of anxiety. Tasha provides public speaking coaching for business professionals who are looking to engage and wow an audience. Owning the room is about engaging an audience to the fullest. Its is about communicating your message in a way that is authentic to you.

Tasha will work with our group to capitalize on each person's strengths and to strengthen their weaknesses. Pubic speaking is one of the most valuable business / career skills you'll ever have, and it is a skill that most definitely can be learned!

Registration Deadline: Monday, February 24th at noon


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