Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday to Break Cold Weather Records

Updated: 03/01/2014 9:05 PM
Created: 03/01/2014 10:23 AM
By: Cassie Hart

Sunday's expected high of 3 degrees could set a record for the coldest high on March 2, according to Meteorologist Jonathan Yuhas. The average high for the day is 35 degrees.

Jonathan says clear skies will accompany the cold. Sunrise temperatures are expected to be -14 with northwest winds at 5 to 10 mph. Wind-chills Sunday will be -5 to -10 during the day and -15 to -20 on Sunday night.

Expect record cold Sunday night. Jonathan says lows are expected to fall to -14 by Monday morning, beating the current record of -13 set in 1873.

We are now 48 days with subzero temperatures as of March 1. Of the last 90 days, only 19 were at or above 32 degrees, Jonathan says.

"The record for the most days below zero is 60 days and we are for sure going to get to 50 days," Jonathan says.

Average temperatures for this time of year are in the mid 30s.

Temps are expected to start warming up by Wednesday as we hit the 20s. The bright spot, for now, is Friday with a high of 32.

Another thing to look forward to, the days will start getting longer next weekend as we begin Day Light Saving Time. We spring clocks ahead at 2 a.m. next Sunday.


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