Thursday, April 10, 2014

It's Still Hard to Beat "Do-It-Yourself" for Business

For those would-be entrepreneurs who are searching for the "right" business opportunity, the choices are practically endless. They can also be quite bewildering-- and sometimes downright confusing. When you consider all the internet websites, magazine advertisements, email solicitations, and plain old "have-I-got-an-opportunity-for-you" phone calls from friends and family, how do you know what will really work...and who you can count on?

There's a tried and true maxim that may be your best guide in evaluating business opportunities: "If you want a job done right, do it yourself!" There are many, many business solicitations that promise that you will not have to work, that the profits will be automatic, that you can "set it and forget it"-- or other such statements. Unfortunately, such claims are rarely, if ever, true. When someone makes you a promise such as this, watch out for your wallet! The only automatic profit they are interested in is most likely transferring some money from your pocket to theirs.

There is some good news to be found, however, in the world of online business opportunity. Despite the number of hucksters that inhabit the internet, there are also quite a few honest, hard-working people who offer some very useful ideas and business experience. Some of the best are those that encourage you to go into a business that you can do for yourself.

Don't be too dismissive of approaches that require you to invest some plain, old-fashioned "sweat equity"-- in other words, some hard work! Direct owner involvement, at least in the early stages of a growing business, tends to raise the chances for success and profit significantly. Look for people who clearly state their experience, and who outline for you exactly what they're willing to give you in exchange for your money. Never pay for a "secret formula" or a non-specific "money making system."

Be willing to learn from people who have "been there and done that"-- and don't be afraid to get your "hands on" in a new business opportunity. Just remember: your best bet is always yourself!


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