Thursday, May 1, 2014

Minnesota River may reach flood stage in Chaska

The rain is beginning to drain.

After an uneventful snow melt, the Minnesota River may now reach flood stage in Chaska.

The National Weather Service is projecting a 20.9 foot crest by May 3 at the Jordan gauge, where the water level will probably hover for a couple days.

The city of Chaska (which doesn’t have a NWS gauge) roughly estimates the local river level to be about two feet lower, two days later than the Jordan gauge. So that would mean an 18.9 foot crest by Monday, May 5.

This means that two of Chaska’s four water diversion flood gates will be closed.

That will probably be the worst of it, unless the rain keeps falling.

Here are the levels to pay attention to:

    Flood stage: Two of four Chaska water diversion flood gates are closed
    2 feet above flood stage: Courthouse flood gate is closed
    5 feet above flood stage: Athletic Park outfield gets wet
    6 feet above flood stage: City's final flood gate is closed
    6.75 feet above Chaska’s flood stage: Highway 101 closes
    7 feet above flood stage: Water reaches Athletic Park grandstand
    9.5 feet above flood stage: Highway 41 closes


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