Monday, July 21, 2014

The Power of Intent - The Most Powerful Business Influencer

The Power of Intent

Intent forms the basis of any relationship. If I am unsure of your intent in dealing with me, then it is impossible to really trust you. In personal relationships, wealthy individuals often doubt the intent of those being nice to them - even their partners. In business relationships, it is the primary factor in determining others impression of you.

Research has shown that first impressions are made by an assessment of two factors: (1) your intent (2) your competence; but these are done in order and it is always intent that is assessed first. The power of intent is evident in networking, negotiating, sales and customer service.


In this hyper-connected world, your ability to be successful long-term is largely dependent on the strength of your network. Smart people are always building their network - not, necessarily by attending formal functions - but by continuously making sure that those around them know what they do and are keen to refer business on to them. And whether this happens or not will all depend on your intent. If people sense that your intent is to simply get what business you can for yourself, they will promptly forget about you. If they sense that your intent is to be of genuine service - without looking for a return - they will willingly refer business your way.


Old-style negotiators had the intent of getting the best deal for themselves. New-style negotiators have the intent of finding a deal that is just as good for the other side as t is for them. This is the style of negotiation that creates real value for both sides.

Sales and Customer Service

People always remember their worst sales person, which is why they are hyper-sensitive to those whose only intent is to sell them something. Nowadays, customers want salespeople to play a different role. Rather than be a source of information, they want them to be a sorter of information - helping them make sense of the myriad of claims, counter-claims, specifications and special offers. If a customer perceives that the salesperson's intent is to help them make a confident buying decision, they are more likely to trust them and, eventually, buy from them. It is disappointing how often in customer service we receive the message from the customer service staff that their main intent is to get rid of us. If the customer perceives that your intent is to help them, they will become loyal for life and perhaps even become raving fans.

A great example of this happened recently for a friend who needed to purchase a hospital bed for his elderly mother who lived at home with him. After receiving some excellent advice from the staff member in one of the specialty shops where these types of beds are sold, he made his choice. Now, because he is a businessman, and because these beds are very expensive, he naturally asked if there was a better price possible. Her answer surprised him, "You know, I am sure there would be a government subsidy for your situation." She then gave him the contact details of where he could find out more. When he did he discovered that he was eligible for a 90% subsidy; but this was only possible if he purchased the bed from a particular outlet - not the one he had visited. Feeling guilty, he returned to the store. To his amazement, she said she knew that the subsidised bed would not be sold by her store. "But I wanted for you to get the best deal," she said. Now some might say that she should have kept quiet and made the sale and he probably would never have known about the subsidy. But, he is a very well connected businessman with wide community contacts who she has turned into an advocate for her store. What they receive in referral business - not to mention how their brand is enhanced every time he talks about them and the story is repeated - will repay them many times over whatever profit they may have lost on the sale of one bed. All because of the power of intent.

If your intent is always to be of service, to help other make good decisions and to help them get the best deal, then your success is assured.


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