Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Benefits of Trusting

Many of us have difficulty trusting others. There are many different reasons that make trusting others difficult. One reason, for example, is that some of us were trained to not trust. Another reason is that some have suffered greatly during their childhood. As a result, they may have decided that they could not really trust anyone. Regardless of the reason, all of us have experienced relationships in which trust was broken. So, why should we bother trusting anyone at all?

In his excellent book, The Compassionate Samurai, author Brian Klemmer explains the reasons that we should learn to trust others in spite of our fears. He explains that taking the risk to trust others can yield more benefits than disadvantages. Klemmer identifies these five benefits that motivate us to trust:

1. Trusting others is the only way to access the synergistic power of teamwork.

2. Trusting others builds relationship and intimacy.

3. Trusting others releases time, freedom, and efficiency.

4. Trusting others is the primary tool for making a difference and being of service to others.

5. Trusting others provides you with a feeling of exhilaration.

Learning to trust others affects both your personal and professional lives. As a strategic business owner, you must be looking for people who are trustworthy. You must be keeping an eye out for trustworthy people with whom you can partner and do business.

As a matter of fact, your decision to trust others is so important that it distinguishes you as an average or extraordinary business owner. You see, the average business owner remains unwilling to take any risks. He plays not to lose by not trusting others. As a result, he does not reap any of the benefits identified by Klemmer. In contrast, extraordinary business owners learn when and whom to trust.  They actively seek to build trusting relationships. They take risks, but they reap great rewards.


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